MicroConCom FAQ


Q:  What is MicroConCom?

A:   MicroConCom, or the MicroCon Committee, is the organizing body behind MicroCon, a biennial (every two years) conference of micronations.


Q:  What is a micronation?

A:  A micronation is an unofficial and unrecognized self-proclaimed country.  Basically, some people have gotten together and decided they want their own country, and declared it.


Q:  Is this one of those “role-playing games” I hear about?

A: No.  Although some micronationalists may treat it as such, many others take their micronationals quite seriously.


Q:  What do you do at a MicroCon?

A: We get together and give speeches and presentations to each other, exchange passport stamps, make new friends, exchange medals, and eat a meal or two.  Not necessarily in that order.


Q:  The MicroCon Committee organizes these conventions?

A: Not exactly.  Different micronations “bid” for the right to host the next one, and the MicroCon Committee is responsible for choosing the best prospect from the bidders, and then the micronation with the winning bid organizes the next one, promote it, and host it.


Q:  When submitting a “bid” - does that mean I have to pay money to the MicroCon Committee?

A: No, it's just that anyone who wants to host the next MicroCon needs to try to convince the MicroCon Committee members they have the best prospect of holding an amazing MicroCon.


Q:  If I submit a bid, it will be judged?

A:  Yes, each bid will be judged by the MicroCon Committee on several areas, including completeness, originality, and clarity.


Q:  Who does the judging?

A: The MicroCon Committee  is made up of representatives from Molossia, Ruritania, Slabovia, Westarctica and Ladonia, the host nations for the first five MicroCons, in 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022 and 2023 respectively.  They will review and judge any bids that have been submitted.


Q:  Where can I find more information about how to submit a bid?

A: Check out the Application page for a full description of what is expected.